We all want our kids to have a great school year, but we don’t always know how we can help them. Here are some back to school tips for parents that are guaranteed to help your child have a better back-to-school experience.

Back to School Tips for Parents:
1. Meet your child’s teacher.
If your school offers an open house, go to it. Meet your child’s teacher, and get to know him/her.
The best education is done with a team. You are a part of that team, and so is your child’s teacher. Introduce yourself to the teacher, and find out a little bit about him/her.
What is his favorite candy bar? Favorite place to eat? When is her birthday?
Not only will you make a great first impression, but you’ll also be armed with helpful information for teacher gifts throughout the year.
2. Get back into your school routine.
Before school starts, begin easing into your school routine. Stop staying up late, and begin waking up earlier.
If you’re not regularly reading throughout the day, add some reading time now to help your child get used to “homework.”
The key is to EASE back into the routine so the first week of school isn’t a total shock to the system.
3. Tour the school if possible.
This is especially important if the school is new to your child. Find your child’s classroom, as well as the lunchroom, library, offices, computer lab, gym, bathrooms, art room, and any other rooms your child will likely go.
4. Make the first day back to school fun for your child.
Consider doing one of these fun, easy back to school activities with your child.
5. Talk your child through any changes you know are coming his/her way.
If your child is at a new school this year…or using lockers for the first time…or riding the bus this year when he hasn’t before, talk through these changes so your child feels prepared.
6. Stock up on groceries.
Make sure you have all the lunch and breakfast meals your child will need. You don’t want him waking up for this first day of school and realizing then you don’t have anything nutritious to eat for breakfast!
You might also consider preparing casseroles ahead of time to make for dinner during the first week back to school.
7. Get yourself ready.
Life changes when kids go back to school. It changes for them…but it also changes for you as the parent. Get your calendar and schedule in order so you’re not overwhelmed with the new routine.
What other tips would you add to this list?