Welcome back to the Become a Better Mom Challenge!
If you’re just now joining us, you are welcome to jump in with this week’s challenge or start with a previous challenge, whichever you prefer. (The previous three challenges are listed at the bottom of the post for your convenience.)
To join the challenge, leave a comment here telling me you are in or updating me on how you’re doing so far! Throughout the week, check my Facebook page for updates and to join in the conversation. We’ll hold each other accountable there (and get encouragement to stay strong!)
Now…on to this week’s challenge…
Week 4 Challenge: Go Hands Free.
I read a book this summer called Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford. It was, by far, one of the best parenting books I have ever read.
This book is all about going hands free with your families….laying aside your phone, your to-do list, and whatever else distracts you so you can be with the ones you’re with. (Her blog posts are amazing too, by the way. You can read those here.)
After reading this book, I began setting aside certain times throughout the day that were hands-free zones. The times I have chosen are as follows:
After School
Right Before Bedtime
This last hands-free time is, I believe, the most important. For some reason, kids open up at night. Maybe it’s just because they want to push off bedtime. Nonetheless, these are crucial moments with your children. Regardless of how the day has gone, I want to end the day well.
I want my kids to know I adore them. I want them to know they are my priority. I want them to know-without a doubt-I am listening to every single word they say. And I want the last thing my boys think about before they fall asleep to be that they are loved by their mama.
These things will never happen if my eyes are on my phone instead of on my children. They’ll never happen if my mind is in another place, instead of focused on them.
So for this week, our challenge is to develop hands-free times throughout each day. Start with 30 minutes or an hour (whatever works for you) and then build on that time. During this time, put your phone away, forget about the things you need to get done, and be WITH your children.
Who’s with me on this one? If you’re in, leave a comment on this post.
AND…be on the lookout for another giveaway coming up this week! It’s a GOOD ONE! Check my Facebook page for updates about the giveaway and the challenge and to join in the conversation.
To catch up on the previous challenges:
WEEK 1 CHALLENGE: Spend Time with God Before You Do Anything Else
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Yah to everyone who is joining this week! So glad to see you all here:)
I just saw this challenge on Facebook. I’m in!
I had just delegated my facebook app off my phone… Makes going hands free easier
I just love these challenges!! I am in for hands free. We do not have cell phones or any electronics right now at dinner time. I am looking to do more though. I keep telling my kids we are putting the cell phones up more and I have not followed through yet. This will be great to start!
I’m in.
Yah! So glad you are joining us!
So good to go hands free 🙂 I’m in too!
Yah! Welcome to the challenge:)
I’m in!
Thanks for joining, Tiffany! There’s a giveaway coming up soon too:)