Why does life have to be so hard?

Difficult times often leave Christians searching the Bible for answers to the most difficult questions — Does God hear me when I pray? Why isn’t He doing anything? Does He even care?
In Unbeaten, author Lindsey Bell shares the stories of biblical figures who went through tough times.
Through this 10-week Bible study and devotional, she reminds readers that while life brings trials, faith brings victory.
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Pain is inevitable. But defeat is not. Find out how to live #Unbeaten Click to Tweet
In God’s kingdom, broken things don’t stay broken. They get fixed. #Unbeaten by Lindsey Bell Click to Tweet
God didn’t promise comfort. He promised He’d be with us through the hard. #Unbeaten by Lindsey Bell Click to Tweet
There is NO circumstance through which God cannot work. #Unbeaten by Lindsey Bell Click to Tweet
God has plans to use what you’re going through today to change someone’s tomorrow. #Unbeaten by Lindsey Bell Click to Tweet
What Others are Saying About Unbeaten:
Rarely do you find a book that is completely biblical and purposefully practical at the same time. Unbeaten, is just that book. Lindsey Bell writes as someone who “gets it,” asking questions aloud that many of us have only whispered in private. Where is God in this? Why hasn’t he answered my prayers? If your faith and your circumstance sometimes feel at odds, this devotional and Bible study in one is certain to be of specific help to those of us who struggle. Kathi Lipp, speaker and author of Clutter Free
In her new book, Unbeaten, Lindsey Bell meets the hard questions of life head on…In a unique blend of biblical storytelling, devotion, and Bible study, she gives readers example after example of individuals in the Bible who dealt with hardships and difficulties. With an honest and open style, Unbeaten is relevant for anyone who has felt beaten down by life. And although she doesn’t have all the answers, Lindsey points them consistently to the One who does. Kathy Howard, author of 6 books including Unshakeable Faith: 8 Traits for Rock-Solid Living
If the valley low is where you think God has staked out your land—think again. Doubts, fears, hurts and tears are mended by a loving God in this powerful ten-week study… Joanne Kraft, author of Just Too Busy—Taking Your Family on a Radical Sabbatical and The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids
When we experience a trial, we have a choice to give up or get up…Unbeaten encouraged me to stand, get my eyes off my circumstances, and fight the good fight. If you are in a hard place, this 10-week devotional is for you. Lori Wildenberg, co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting and co-author of three parenting books including Raising Little Kids with Big Love
Looking at the Biblical examples of the past, Unbeaten is a solid devotional that will point you to the greatness of our God. How do we move forward when we are struck by deep grief, paralyzing fear, or emotional wounds?… Lindsey, through transparent sharing of her own struggles, will point you to solidly fix your gaze on the magnificent character of our faithful God… Katie Orr, author of the FOCUSed15 Bible Study series, including the 4-week studies Everyday Faith, Everyday Hope, and Everyday Love.
A brave and brilliant offering of hope for those experiencing pain. Amy L. Sullivan, author of Gutsy Girls: Strong Christian Women Who Impacted the World
Unbeaten offers gentle insight and encouragement for our times of deepest suffering. Lindsey Bell has thoughtfully drawn ancient Bible stories into the modern day, showing us that not only is God’s word still relevant and active, but there also exists a greater purpose for our heartache… Becky Kopitzke, author of The SuperMom Myth: Conquering the Dirty Villains of Motherhood
In Unbeaten, Lindsey Bell helps us navigate the difficult seasons of life that we are all sure to face…Uniquely written to serve as a devotional or a Bible study, Unbeaten is a resource I recommend for individuals and small groups alike. Stephanie Shott, author, speaker, and founder of The MOM Initiative
In her book Unbeaten, Lindsey Bell offers women encouragement to trust God, even when things are hard…She doesn’t give cookie-cutter solutions with a tidy bow; instead, she acknowledges the pain and suffering that life can bring and gives us permission to question, doubt, cry… and ultimately find hope in God…In a warm and authentic tone, Lindsey reminds us that, even though life can be is messy, God is good. Genny Heikka, speaker and author of Finding Mommy Bliss
Like a friend who shows up in our darkest hours, Lindsey Bell reminds us that pain doesn’t equal defeat and disappointment doesn’t diminish hope. Packed with tender mercy for today and quiet confidence for tomorrow, Unbeaten is a must-read for anyone who wants to walk through the trials of this life in victory and in peace. Alicia Bruxvoort, Proverbs 31 writing team
Whether it be illness, financial hardship, grief, miscarriage, or any other circumstance, Unbeaten is the perfect devotional for anyone who has struggled in this life. Author Lindsey Bell serves as a constant source of encouragement while her reassuring words echo the biblical truths located in Scripture… Jenny Lee Sulpizio, author of For the Love of God: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Faith and Getting Grace
I didn’t realize how much I needed the men and women of the Bible to come alongside me with practical principles for victory until I opened the pages of Unbeaten…By providing questions, a prayer focus, a journal prompt, and a takeaway, Unbeaten works for the individual or for partners. For women feeling battered by the burdens of life, Unbeaten is a pathway to victory. Julie Sanders, author of Expectant: 40 Devotions for New & Expectant Moms
I can’t wait for this to come out! Going to grab it as soon as I can! 🙂
Awww, thanks so much! I hope you like it! It should be out this coming April.
This is definitely going on my 2016 reading list. Thank you for sharing your testimony, Lindsey. 🙂
Awww, thank you, Rachel! I appreciate that so much:)