Change Bible-reading from Something You Have to Do, To Something You Get To Do

There has been one question that God has put on my heart over and over again as I have done my Bible-reading recently. That question is,

Why are you doing this?

Is Bible-reading something you HAVE to do, or something you GET to do?

Now, that might sound like a somewhat odd question for someone who is opening her Bible to read God’s Word, and to be fair, it is kind of odd. It seems like the answer would be obvious. Of course, I’m reading my Bible to hear from God and grow in my walk with Him.

But hear me out, because it’s not nearly as obvious as you might think.

For years, my Bible reading has been something I have checked off a list. I’m an avid list-maker. So years ago, when I became a Christian and started doing “Christian activities” like praying and reading my Bible, it just made sense to me to use lists in these tasks as well.

To start, lists were incredibly helpful in my walk with the Lord! They created accountability. They gave me a plan. They guided me so I wasn’t overwhelmed. Lists were a tool God used in my early days as a believer to draw me nearer to himself.

Lists clearly weren’t the problem!

The problem was with my heart.

Is Your Bible-Reading Something You HAVE To Do, or Something You GET To Do?

Unfortunately, as the years passed, it became easy for me to make my Bible reading ONLY about checking off the list.

My time with God in the Word and in prayer – somewhere along the way – had changed from something I got to do to something I had to do. 

I don’t know about you, but when I feel like I have to do something, it loses some of its appeal. It definitely doesn’t feel like sitting down with a good friend over a cup of coffee and talking about our day.

It feels rushed. It feels forced. It feels unnatural.

Bible reading became less about fellowship with the Father and more about getting it done quickly. It became less about worship and more about work.



Lindsey Bell is the author of Unbeaten and Searching for Sanity. She's also a blogger at, a speaker, a mom of two, an avid reader, a minister's wife, and a lover of all things chocolate.

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